
Free Basics From Facebook Exits From India

Free Basics The most trending Topic in India Ever Since Last Month , Facebook Launched its in the earlier Years Partnering with Reliance Communications in India have Not Reached a good extent in India . Airtel Also Launched its Airtel Zero Very Similar to the Free basics and stepped back to the negative Response for the idea and Stood away from that Premises,Many Startups became anti to this concept and could not be able to convenience the People violating the
Net Neutrality . Facebook had not stopped its try against this and started new initiatives and promoted the free basics with Newspaper advertisements and TV Ads and Spent a lot for this Campaign .

Module of Free Basics

Free basics stood offering a Free Internet for the Poor people in India with paying for the Telecom Operators what People Browse from free basics . This is a Truly a awesome business for Facebook in India which would generate a billions in a year , on the other hand startups will suffer a lot from this module and gradually leads to failure of many companies and life of peoples . Common Man Will not be affected form this module .Many Startup founders Revolted against this Concept with Emails from to TRAI explaining the Problem what People will face and loss to many companies. This War continued for around 4-5 months TRAI after Listening both sides Asked 
Free basics To Exit From India  

Facebook Strategy 

Facebook Strategy is used to make money from the ads that will appear on the free basics version and admitted that it will not display any ads in free basics to Some Extent when Companies urged with this issue of Revenue module . This Leads to more revenue generating option for Facebook and to telecom operators , This is such a big mess for most of the people and ultimate winner will be Facebook 

Telecom Operators Revenue Strategy

They started charging the companies not the people who explores and uses the websites of the companies who gets tie up with the module above . They Charge the companies at high expensive rates and give a Super smart speed for the customers who visit their website and gradually slows down the company website who doesn't pay for this module . This is a Huge problem for small companies and they could not afford the Rates 

Net Neutrality 

This is a concept stating that what ever the internet is running till now must be same ad equal for both the customers and companies and no one must be given higher priority for the customers for a particular website to use for free . Many people came forwarding explaining this module to people with videos for easy understanding with giving smart examples to know better about this topic 

After Such a war TRAI Supported the Net Neutrality Policy and Gave a Smart Answer for Free Basics to Quit From India and no cost it would allow this Free Basics Concept to come in India 


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